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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Monday, June 23, 2014

My top 2 Father Son relationships in film

One thing I love in films is father son relationships BUT only if they are done right. Here are my top two father son relationships and why they work so well for me. WARNING-mushiness insures.

Goofy and Max                                          VS                             Mr Peabody and Sherman

Goofy and Max's relationship in the Goofy Movie is done really well. I think in part is because Goofy is just such a good father figure. He tries too hard to be in his son's life whereas Max wants to separate himself from his dad and pave his own life.

Goofy is the absolute most embarrassing parent but to me I just see him as the most loving. He loves Max to the max and even though his parenting could be seen as over burdening I think it's better to have a kind hearted loving parent than one who is always absent. Max and Goofy don't really compliment each other or have much in common but they just work well together. You want to see them get along, you want to see them bond and this movie does this impeccably. The relationship seems natural and comes full cycle as Max finally near the end becomes honest to his old man. This movie stands alone and just leaves you feeling good. Also it is extremely heart warming the bond between Max and Goofy and just gives you a warm feeling watching them together.

Mr Peabody's and Sherman's relationship is different but at the same time very similar
Mr Peabody is a very loving parent but at the same time you wonder why he is one. He came upon Sherman abandoned as a baby and adopted him. He then dedicated his life to parenthood but it's not very often you see geniuses with kids. You can tell Peabody is raising Sherman well but as he is a very kind, bubbly child who is friendly to all and even though he may not have his adoptive father's brains Sherman is encouraged by Peabody every step of the way.
The one thing I love about this relationship is that Peabody is such a unique character. A dog who is talented in everything he puts his paw to. And Sherman is such a happy child who has respect for his father a great deal which you rarely see these days in cartoons but is a happy relief to come by once in a while. The two again don't really compliment or bounce off each other much and it's more of a equal relationship in both bond and love making it quite mutual. Again, that is what makes this relationship unique because there is no real conflict in it. Sherman loves his know it all dad and Peabody loves his clueless son. So it's nice to see something like this every once in a while.


So who do I think is more impacting and sticks with you longer after the film has ended? That would have to go to

Goofy and Max!
Even though Peabody and Sherman's relationship has more trust in it and respect you just can't hate a good conflicting relationship sometimes. Goofy tries so hard throughout the whole movie to win Max's affections that when the two finally do get along you just feel it all the more. The two are just funny together and are more interesting to watch than Peabody and Sherman. But in the long term I think Peabody's and Sherman's relationship is more stable and that Sherman will always keep in contact with his father later in life whereas Max will probably always be embarrassed by his dad.

So that's my two fav Father Son bonds done on film.
And remember,
Watch what others won't.

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