About Me

Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Sexualisition and Romanticising of Close Friendships in Media. WHY It's Bad.

I have two very close childhood friends. We do a lot together. We always spend our birthdays together, go to the cinema together and talk at least once a week. We are all 25.

We're so close, we basically know everything about each other. We are all girls.

But most people seem to think that if you are super close to a friend, whether it be a girl or a guy, you must "secretly have feelings for them"

Because if you open up to anyone, or show love and concern to someone... you must secretly be in love with them.

In the last decade, I have seen this explode in Hollywood films... and honestly, it is really ruining platonic bonds that people in the past had been able to form.

The term "Bromance" comes to mind when I think of this, and was really my first introduction to the whole apparently secretly "queer" aspect of friendship that we must all share.

Guys who are close in media... can't just be close friends. NO. They have to die for each other, not have any other friends that they can be close to, there can only be one BEST friend, and if you hang out with any one else in the movie or show. At least if you show you care for another friend a great deal, YOU ARE CHEATING on your best "bro"

This has been a huge issue for a lot of guy characters in recent media, and is now even starting to affect girl friendships in TV and movies too.

If two girls show that they are best friends, they MUST kinda like each other romantically. There has to be no other way.

I just think it's so sad yet funny, how the closest bond in most kid movies these days IS NOT the romantic lead, but the best bro.

I would also say the best sister (Cough cough, "Frozen") But it is truly just shocking.

It's like Hollywood doesn't know how to write deep friendships, without crossing over into awkward romantic territory. It's like TV doesn't know how to do this either, as this problem is really becoming so prevalent, it's scary.

I noticed this year, that two major animated films that came out, The Lego Batman movie and Captain Underpants, took the aspect of a rival or friendship... and just tried to turn it gay or romanticise it.

Yes, it was done for laughs, but there was a pure intent hiding underneath it. "If you are super close to someone, you are subconsciously in love"

There's no buts about it in Hollywood's eyes.

Batman and the joker? They hate love each other. They need each other more than anyone else to function.


George and Harold? They can't survive when they are apart.


What these movies are now showing is that it is healthy to have a co-dependent relationship with your best friend. That your best friend (usually male in these films) comes before anyone else, even family, other friends who could equally be as close, and your actual other half (girlfriend or boyfriend)

I actually think this way of thinking is messing up young people. Younger people are finding it harder and harder to make close FRIENDSHIPS. Most are saying that their best friend and closest friend is their other half (and sometimes their only friend, who they would actually call "friend")

This is really frightening.

When people don't form friendships that are as close in movies and TV, they get mystified and confused.

"But my best friend is meant to be there for me ONLY. My best friend can only be best friends with me! I can only have one best friend?!"

I have two best friends (three if I include my sister) and I have many more close friends. I don't consider these people the only people I can be close too, I will be close friends (and even besty over time) with anyone.

But people are afraid to let others in now, because they associate closeness with vulnerability, and vulnerability with that other emotion we are told to search for more than ANYTHING else, "romantic love"

It is just... sad.

It's sad that a lot of people are believing that people can't just be close friends, that you can't share a connection with someone without it being romanticised, and that you have to be selfish with your friendships. Because as Hollywood likes to say these days (especially in kid films) You can only have one BEST FRIEND. Not two or three, no.

You need a co-dependent relationship, and when your bestie or you do get a girlfriend or boyfriend- THEY COME SECOND PLACE.

Because that's how Hollywood works. And that's how media deforms and perverses the mind.

Not even kid films are safe I'm afraid to say.

Not even shows for three to five year olds like My Little Pony are.

And its sad, it really is.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Why Robin in Teen Titans Go is hilarious To Me


There I said it, and I'll stand by it. I have never seen a character this funny before in a kid's cartoon show.
Let me introduce to this hyper-active raving schizophrenic, Robin, the boy wonder!

There's just something about this character that is funny, no matter what he does. He is ultimately the ever confident, self professed leader of the Titans. But he has proven many times that he is over the top insane, obsessive, violent and really really controlling.

You might think that these qualities shouldn't be in a character in a kids' show, and you'd be right. But this is not the typical kids' show. It is violent, characters that are meant to be the heros are often huge idiots and jerks and people die constantly.

But in all of it, Robin is just incredible fun to watch.

He is often the one that gets the shit beaten out of him, more so than any other Titan by a mile. And something about just watching him get nearly killed so many times and injured just brings out the sadist in me which I didn't even think existed. He just screams so funnily, like he is in actually pain. I've never seen this type of character portrayed like this before. And because he is so over the top all the time, even his everyday movements are always so high and alert. When he does get the crapper beaten out of him, I just can't help but laugh and get a sick joy out of it.

Heck, he is essentially my torture porn. He's just so pathetic, but in his patheticness there's this inner ability to still be the best, and that is such an odd combination. I am honestly waiting for the day for when he cracks, because it keep getting closer and closer to happening.

But in all honest opinion, he's just got so many quirks to love. His schizophrenia is one, and even though I know it's not directly stated in the show, it's obvious he has it. And people may find that offensive, but speaking as someone who has schizophrenia, I actually prefer this type of character portrayal of a mentally unwell character than one who is a murderer- which is usually the root they take with schizophrenics in media. I guess there's just something to enjoy. When he talks about hearing voices in his head, I can relate and I find that hilarious. When he has breakdowns, I know the feeling, so again I find it so funny.

Then there's also he's terrible love life and his obsessive crush on Starfire. If there's one thing I know about schizophrenia is that we do obsess to a big degree on stuff. And he obsesses over the top so funnily I just can't help but laugh my ass off at this. He needs medication! He acts like he is always manic (which is another Schizophrenic attribute) and like he never sleeps. But just that he keeps coming up with new and crazy ways to try to get her with him and failing each time is funny and so sad that it's funny. I really feel for the guy. I actually do want him to get the girl. But the thing is, it'd never work. He'd probably go even more insane if she actually did fall in love with (as unlikely as it is) and also, he's just not in the right state of mind. He has huge issues with love, and I love just seeing him fail again and again. But at the same time, a small part of me believes he could succeed, and that just makes the ride more enjoyable. I am actually rooting for Robin here, but still relishing in his failures.

Simply put, he is a very unique character. I have never seen a character like him before on a kids' show. But he is really a unique creation and no other voice actor could get him this perfect. Better than Stewie on Family Guy. Better than Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, and better than Barney from How I Met Your Mother. Robin beats them all in my book because when you have a batshit insane character that is willing to do anything and is the first funny schizophrenic character ever, you've got my vote :)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Are Audiences Getting Too Demanding and Controlling?

I remember a time, when if you liked something and someone didn't, you could simply agree to disagree. People wouldn't hold a grudge and the two groups would go their separate ways.

If you liked a show like Family Guy and someone liked South Park, you wouldn't need to compete over which show was better. You could simply go, well let's just like what we like.

People wouldn't try to tell you what to like.

But lately, I've found the internet has been a festering ground for people to tear down and even destroy things that they deem unworthy of being on in the cinemas or TV.

For instance. Twilight, pre internet. Girls would read it and love it. They would see the movies and be fans. But then, oh wait. People who didn't like it would start screaming and ranting about how it shouldn't even exist and how bad the stories were. Ignoring the fact that the stories were just entertainment and many loved them, they would at any attempt try to sway people from reading them- even if that person might find they would've really enjoyed the book.

Luckily Twilight survived the hate.

But go forward five years and now the demanding subset of people are trying to control everything people should enjoy and not enjoy.

For instance. Teen Titans Go. It was a reboot of the original Teen Titans and has proved quite successful with ratings. But so many people despise it and would love to tear it down. Why? I've watched some episodes and it's hilarious. People like to make the claim that children watching it will get dumber or will misbehave more- but I watched South park as a kid (along with my siblings) and we never did anything the characters did on the show. And talking about how the show is a bad influence- have these people never seen Sponge Bob or Ed, Edd and Eddy? Two other popular shows that went way over the top with bad morals. Kids aren't stupid. But these people will go to the videos and pile on hate in the comment sections, calling anyone who enjoys something they don't deem acceptable as idiots and "autistic retards".

What ever happened to having your own likes and dislikes. If I don't like a show, I usually steer clear of it and let others enjoy it. But so many people feel they have to be public avengers, and they tend to miss the actually joy these types of shows bring to people.

It was the same thing that happened to Batman Vs Superman movie. Most people liked it or thought it was okay, but the twenty percent that hated it, went way over the top and started abusing the people who liked it in the comment sections. They would make hate videos saying how bad a movie it was, they would try to dissuade a person from seeing it at all costs. Their hate was unprecedented, and you know what. If someone uses hateful speeches and bullying to tell me not to see something, I probably would think they are self righteous prick. But that's just me, I listen to myself. But so many people, who would've liked the movie, suddenly avoid it because they are being harassed and told they are an idiot if they even step foot into the cinema. Most people don't want to sit through something which they think will be unenjoyable, so don't even give it a chance. Even if it is a mob mentality and the only thing the haters want to see is blood shed for something they dislike.

It's just shocking how prevalent this has become with online society that it is even spreading out to the wider world. I met a girl at a group meeting one time, and she told me that if I liked a certain band she would have to get up and not talk to me ever again. I found this ridiculous. And she was being serious. Since when does a person have to like all the same things as another person? Since when was it acceptable to make everyone a clone and only enjoy what is deemed likeable by the minority of very aggressive viewers who can't just let people like what they like?

It's a shame but it's a sad truth of this world.

And it is only getting worse I am afraid.

Friday, August 28, 2015

What inspires and moves me.

I'm a very fussy person.
Yeah, I'm very fussy... not with food, not with friends, not with outings... okay a little bit.
No, what I really fussy about is what I'll feed my soul with.
I'm a writer and digital artist. Granted I don't really make any money off of these, but if I have to say something that I am, that is it.
No, what I'm trying to get to is that.
I'm so fussy with art, with what I feed my soul that I miss out on a lot.
I wasn't always this fussy, but in the recent two years I've become extremely fussy.
And it's a shame because I really want to be captivated and moved by so many things yet nothing much is doing it for me.
I have this belief. That if you create something, it should be art, it should be from the depths of your soul. But I also believe it should have some market value- IE: be accessible to a wider audience.
Now what's my predicament?
Yes, I said it. I want more soul food, as I'm starving on what I have.
I literally have to go out and create my own soul food because what I'm getting, in the most part is not nourishing me, at all.
I want art that is deep, meaningful, entertaining, beautiful and accessible to me when I want and not too over stretch.
If I'm going to read a book I want to be entertained from the very first page to the last. I want suspense, I want action, I want romance and humour. I just want the words to flow.
Why are so few authors capable of giving me the full package? That's all I ask.
The only author that has come close to giving me everything was Stephenie Meyer in her story "The Host"
And at a far stretch The Amazing Mr Enter in his story "Little Cassie" and "Love Lust and Lollicons" a fanfic I read a LONG time ago.
I have a very short attention span. If it doesn't entertain me straight away I will quickly stop. I'm not interested in a slow build up. If you are going to do one, then at least make the characters irresistible, 3 dimensional and interesting.

I fare better with movies, but still, out of ten I'll see only one or two will entertain. I'm very selective.
I want plot! An amazing plot that only amazing story tellers can tell.
And what do I get... boredom. Telling me I should be amazed when really all I am is SNORE...
Though animations never seem to fail me, I get ten a year now in the cinema, that is still not enough.
The only thing that seems to really work for me is... not surprisingly... music.

MUSIC, the only area I can't seem to tap with my talents. Music, the utter mystery in how people can strum a few notes and make my heart sing, dance and rejoice.
Make me feel utter heartbreak in a minute and in the next utter joy.
Music, able to touch the depths of my soul, reach out and just touch me every time.
I hate to admit it, but no matter how much I try of every other medium... none of them can have that consistent impact on me like music does.
What I'm trying to say is that, I want to be well fed, I want to have my soul stuffed when I please and not starve on this left overs of art I'm given.
I want to read INCREDIBLE BOOKS. I want to see more INCREDIBLE movies. And I want to be completely entertained in all areas... not just music.
Sigh,,, you get my point, don't you?

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Top Ten Worst Angry Beaver Episodes

Here's a video of the top ten worst Angry Beaver episodes and my explanation as to why I personally dislike these episodes

Monday, February 2, 2015

Big Hero 6 Review

So what did I think of this movie?
It was good.
The ending saved it for me.
I could predict every twist a mile off but I think it was good family fair. It also didn't try to just go for adults. It was a mature kid/tween film which I liked. It wasn't just trying to cater to the adults and it was enjoyable. It did feel a little held back but I think it was because the two directors had only ever directed once before so didn't have as much experience with the really emotional stuff. Still I enjoyed it. It didn't try to be anything more than what it was. A nice flick which I may watch again and it dealt with the subject of loss and death very maturely. A nice film which will leave you feeling good. Going back to old school Disney in a way as such. 4 stars out of 5.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dreamworks is NOT in trouble

Okay, people, people. PLEASE SETTLE DOWN about Dreamworks.
They are not in any deeper hole than what they have been in the past.
People have been going on and on about how much they've been struggling but they are not struggling any worse than usual.

Yes, 3 of their 4 last films didn't haven't really been successes but I can tell right here and right now, from a broader perspective why they aren't in trouble.

Number 1.

In the past their films also didn't earn that much money. The first four films they released only grossed around  300 million or less and it wasn't until Shrek did they get a big hit.
Secondly after Shrek a lot of their films still didn't gross that much. Most films averaged at around 300 million or less, meaning they also weren't box office successes and this has been going on for 20 years.
But here's the thing people. A movie earning 300 million is STILL a success in the broad scheme of things.
The average movie earns around 100- 150 million. That means that these films aren't average and ARE getting in the people! They're getting in a lot of people, just not enough to push the films pass sequel level.
Stand alone, these films actually are doing well!
It's only the budget which is out of control. An average Dreamworks film costs 120 million. An average CGI animated film should cost 70 mil to 90 mil. If Dreamworks could just cut down on its cost its films could all be successes!
A case example. Cloudy with a Chance Of Meatballs 2 cost 60 mil- 15 million less than it's predecessor. It grossed around 220 mil and that is below average for a sequel but guess what, because it was made relatively cheaply IT WAS A SUCCESS!
That's what I'm trying to tell ya! The average Dreamworks film is a success in that it's even passing 200 mil! And the films that pass 400 mil are the uber successes. How to Train Your Dragon, Kong Fu Panda, Madagascar and Shrek are the uber successes and earn more than enough to rival the big box office draws such as Guardians of The Galaxy or Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
So people. PLEASE calm your shit! They are doing fine.
They're struggling, but honestly, they've always been struggling.
Peace out.