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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Monday, April 25, 2016

Why Robin in Teen Titans Go is hilarious To Me


There I said it, and I'll stand by it. I have never seen a character this funny before in a kid's cartoon show.
Let me introduce to this hyper-active raving schizophrenic, Robin, the boy wonder!

There's just something about this character that is funny, no matter what he does. He is ultimately the ever confident, self professed leader of the Titans. But he has proven many times that he is over the top insane, obsessive, violent and really really controlling.

You might think that these qualities shouldn't be in a character in a kids' show, and you'd be right. But this is not the typical kids' show. It is violent, characters that are meant to be the heros are often huge idiots and jerks and people die constantly.

But in all of it, Robin is just incredible fun to watch.

He is often the one that gets the shit beaten out of him, more so than any other Titan by a mile. And something about just watching him get nearly killed so many times and injured just brings out the sadist in me which I didn't even think existed. He just screams so funnily, like he is in actually pain. I've never seen this type of character portrayed like this before. And because he is so over the top all the time, even his everyday movements are always so high and alert. When he does get the crapper beaten out of him, I just can't help but laugh and get a sick joy out of it.

Heck, he is essentially my torture porn. He's just so pathetic, but in his patheticness there's this inner ability to still be the best, and that is such an odd combination. I am honestly waiting for the day for when he cracks, because it keep getting closer and closer to happening.

But in all honest opinion, he's just got so many quirks to love. His schizophrenia is one, and even though I know it's not directly stated in the show, it's obvious he has it. And people may find that offensive, but speaking as someone who has schizophrenia, I actually prefer this type of character portrayal of a mentally unwell character than one who is a murderer- which is usually the root they take with schizophrenics in media. I guess there's just something to enjoy. When he talks about hearing voices in his head, I can relate and I find that hilarious. When he has breakdowns, I know the feeling, so again I find it so funny.

Then there's also he's terrible love life and his obsessive crush on Starfire. If there's one thing I know about schizophrenia is that we do obsess to a big degree on stuff. And he obsesses over the top so funnily I just can't help but laugh my ass off at this. He needs medication! He acts like he is always manic (which is another Schizophrenic attribute) and like he never sleeps. But just that he keeps coming up with new and crazy ways to try to get her with him and failing each time is funny and so sad that it's funny. I really feel for the guy. I actually do want him to get the girl. But the thing is, it'd never work. He'd probably go even more insane if she actually did fall in love with (as unlikely as it is) and also, he's just not in the right state of mind. He has huge issues with love, and I love just seeing him fail again and again. But at the same time, a small part of me believes he could succeed, and that just makes the ride more enjoyable. I am actually rooting for Robin here, but still relishing in his failures.

Simply put, he is a very unique character. I have never seen a character like him before on a kids' show. But he is really a unique creation and no other voice actor could get him this perfect. Better than Stewie on Family Guy. Better than Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, and better than Barney from How I Met Your Mother. Robin beats them all in my book because when you have a batshit insane character that is willing to do anything and is the first funny schizophrenic character ever, you've got my vote :)


  1. I'm glad somebody else agrees with me on this.

  2. New, Robin is so funny, he's my favorite.
    So, I am obsesive to wqtch TTG, they have 3 movies (TTG go fi the movies, TTG vs TT and. TTG space jam.)

  3. I totally agree!!! I love him so much, as irrational as he can be at times, he is and will always be the most interesting and best character out of the bunch. He has the most depth and dimension while also being surface-level straightforward with the joking nature of it, and I just love it. Its amusing, just like you said, and yet you want him to succeed. He really is brilliant. I loved reading this!
