About Me

Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Friday, August 28, 2015

What inspires and moves me.

I'm a very fussy person.
Yeah, I'm very fussy... not with food, not with friends, not with outings... okay a little bit.
No, what I really fussy about is what I'll feed my soul with.
I'm a writer and digital artist. Granted I don't really make any money off of these, but if I have to say something that I am, that is it.
No, what I'm trying to get to is that.
I'm so fussy with art, with what I feed my soul that I miss out on a lot.
I wasn't always this fussy, but in the recent two years I've become extremely fussy.
And it's a shame because I really want to be captivated and moved by so many things yet nothing much is doing it for me.
I have this belief. That if you create something, it should be art, it should be from the depths of your soul. But I also believe it should have some market value- IE: be accessible to a wider audience.
Now what's my predicament?
Yes, I said it. I want more soul food, as I'm starving on what I have.
I literally have to go out and create my own soul food because what I'm getting, in the most part is not nourishing me, at all.
I want art that is deep, meaningful, entertaining, beautiful and accessible to me when I want and not too over stretch.
If I'm going to read a book I want to be entertained from the very first page to the last. I want suspense, I want action, I want romance and humour. I just want the words to flow.
Why are so few authors capable of giving me the full package? That's all I ask.
The only author that has come close to giving me everything was Stephenie Meyer in her story "The Host"
And at a far stretch The Amazing Mr Enter in his story "Little Cassie" and "Love Lust and Lollicons" a fanfic I read a LONG time ago.
I have a very short attention span. If it doesn't entertain me straight away I will quickly stop. I'm not interested in a slow build up. If you are going to do one, then at least make the characters irresistible, 3 dimensional and interesting.

I fare better with movies, but still, out of ten I'll see only one or two will entertain. I'm very selective.
I want plot! An amazing plot that only amazing story tellers can tell.
And what do I get... boredom. Telling me I should be amazed when really all I am is SNORE...
Though animations never seem to fail me, I get ten a year now in the cinema, that is still not enough.
The only thing that seems to really work for me is... not surprisingly... music.

MUSIC, the only area I can't seem to tap with my talents. Music, the utter mystery in how people can strum a few notes and make my heart sing, dance and rejoice.
Make me feel utter heartbreak in a minute and in the next utter joy.
Music, able to touch the depths of my soul, reach out and just touch me every time.
I hate to admit it, but no matter how much I try of every other medium... none of them can have that consistent impact on me like music does.
What I'm trying to say is that, I want to be well fed, I want to have my soul stuffed when I please and not starve on this left overs of art I'm given.
I want to read INCREDIBLE BOOKS. I want to see more INCREDIBLE movies. And I want to be completely entertained in all areas... not just music.
Sigh,,, you get my point, don't you?

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