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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Consistency is key

Now you know a show has consistency when you don't notice any difference between episodes but for a show that's so popular now, My Little Pony has one problem. No consistency in their characters.

I say this with the highest respect. I think the show's writers all have a different concept of what they want the characters to be like and that pisses me off.

A show has to have an instruction to write these characters a certain way each time and all the writers are doing half the time is taking the main element of the personality and flanderizing it. Some episodes are good, I'll give it that, but other episodes that characters are so off it's not even funny and I've only ever noticed this with Friendship Is Magic. I think the writers have to have a discussion about the characters and how each one will treat them, instead of just taking the basics and doing whatever the hell they want.
You hear me writers! Get consistent with your characters because I don't know how much more I can take!

A good example of consistent characters in a kid show would be Gravity Falls. New but still making headway.

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