Yes that is true. But I would like to point out is that a story written and drawn by an artist who goes by the name of Bleedman-"Grim Tales from Down below"
-who does all of this, but with characters he didn't create.
I personally don't mind this, but one thing that has kind of gotten on my nerve is the amount of reviewers that just say that he is bad at what he does, the characters are bland, the stories are stupid and the writing is terrible.
I don't believe this.
Because I only read stories that draw me in with their characters. Even though I already know these characters he goes into new depths with them, especially with the two protaganist. I find he's writing good and I can read these characters- with the benifit of looking at beautiful illustrations which go beyond more emotional information than most animated films.
I wouldn't say that he's story lines are the best... to me they usually just play in the background. But the two characters, Minnie and Junior- especially Minnie, really got my attention as he went to dark depths with them and bought in some things which young people don't often seem to want to know about- what's evil, what's good, and what if they are both...?
I honestly didn't see where this story was going but when Minnie's feelings were discovered I was so confused... I was annoyed... but it was he's story and he was just going into the mind of what really would happen to two children if they were brought up in the underworld.
But it was the pictures that really got to me.
They were beuatiful, maybe some of the best designs in characters I've ever seen, only because he made them so appealing to the eyes- the over exaggerated feet, the shiny hair and the imense colour- I had never read ANY comics before I read he's and now most comics I read have to be at this level, and even the comics I'm trying to work on have to be at this level.
Bleedman inspired me.
Whether it be fanfiction or not,
He is good at what he does.