People think there are some dark games out there, that are just plain evil...
But I have played a game that I found so dark and twisted- and depressing it actually made me sad playing it.
This game of course is Legend of Zelda "Majora's Mask" and if you played it than you would see what I mean.
I mean, even the opening was dark and evil and this is kinda a kid's game?
Link is going through the forest on horseback in search of his lost friend- Navi, I guessed- when this evil twisted creature knocks him out, steals his horse and turns him into a shrub. Okay- this was actually scary when I played it at twelve years old... this game is so dark and twisted with nearly every character Link comes in contact with having a horrible life just because of that evil creature. Oh yes, and Link has to keep travelling back in time for the whole game- with everyone never really remembering who he was... which is just pitiful for as soon as you actually save someone's terrible life, you go back in time and it's terrible again.
Plus, Link is like only ten and he is painfully transformed into these dead creatures by putting on their masks which hold all their soul's sorrow...
There is even a song in this which is sooo twisted and depressing called "The song of sorrows" where you see the flash back of the creatures' lives before they died- mainly the Goron and the Zora- with all the things they had going for them! and this is just to make me feel dead inside.
But this game was so emotional- it was the most emotional game I ever played. It was... being equal to Ocarina of Time... the best game I ever played.
I literally felt like crying playing it- if this was a show or a movie- it really would've been huge... or a cult following. The thing is, Link, like always... is the hero. The brave soul who never hates anyone- not even the evil kid- he ALWAYS forgives... and I think because of that, he actually influence my life to some point for I've never let myself hate anyone...
This game is breathtaking... dark... twisted and riddled with so many riddles and stories of other people's tradegies, they souls and their hate for themself, I'd just play it every day just to see that I helped the people, and the feeling I get when I actually see the characters cry in happiness.
Not many people seemed to have played it, and I don't even like Video games that much but this is a game which I think everyone should check out... if this game doesn't make you sad and depressed and just hating this evil sadistic KID, than I don't know what will...
This game gets a 10/10.
It is the BEST!
About Me
- Saddened Maiden
- Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Most Retarded Funny Shows Ever coz I'm a retard! :D hehehe
I am big into retarded humour... I don't know why exactly but I am.
Now when I say retarded I don't just mean duuuuuhhh I mean just comedy that doesn't make sense or throwing in random stupid things just for laughs.
A few good examples of shows that do this would be
Invader Zim
Angry Beavers
Family Guy
South Park
Regular Show
This slapstick and often retarded humour is what keeps me interested in these shows but sometimes a show will pull out an episode that is so "retarded" that I honestly can not stop laughing at it for the eleven to twenty minutes and here is where I'd like to discuss these so called episodes giving in order, the episodes I found just plain retarded
6. Regular Show- Death Punchies
I know this show has only been on for little more then a month but they have truly prooved how retarded they are in every episode they have put on. The show seriously seems very unscripted which helps add to the retardedness.
This show is amusing and even sometimes cracks me up and the episode Death Punchies just made me laugh.
It was retarded- which I liked, but it was only because Rigby was going around punching people and making them fly off into the air
Plus the character Rigby goes a little beyond retardedness with his quirky sounds through out the episode and then suddenly changing his mind at the end to be player 2.
5. Mongrels- Nelson the stroke virgin
This show is retarded in the sense the characters say the foulest things and are all a bunch of idiot wankers- even the smart one Nelson.
But to me, every episode was funny, original and lets just say... retarded... and the No. 1 retarded episode in this was, Nelson the fox, being a "Virgin" ie. never been patted.
It was hard really to choose between this episode and the one where he marries his sister- cos that was quite retarded itself, but this one just wins for the cleverness of the pun.
Watching Nelson trying to get a man to stroke him- people can't understand the animals- and saying shocked "I thought he was up for it!" eventually going to a petting zoo where he gets stroked non stop- whether he allows it or not- the whole reference as he realises in terror he may get "Stroked banged" by a bunch of children really made this episode funny for me as it was such a stupid innuendo!
Ha ha
4. Family Guy- To love and die in Dixie
Let's just say, Family Guy has a lot of retardedness but one episode which I've seen which I think goes beyond retardedness just because it was based on Chris in the early seasons before it got too formulated and let's just say any old episode based on Chris in season 3 is retarded.
This episode just got in my list for two reasons.
1) A raccoon kept jumping out out no where and attacking Peter for the duration of the episode- and when I mean no where I mean any where- A gun- Louis's breasts- a beer bottle. It was just so retarded I had to laugh.
2) Chris- now everyone knows that Chris is a retard but some of the things in this episode which he did were so retarded I had to burst out laughing. Jumping in the water cos he saw his relection and thought he was drowning, reading his diary out loud and then freaking out when Brian hears him... he was truly the image of stupidity coming in draw with the idiot Billy from GTOBAM.
3. South Park- Spooky Fish
Apart from the movie, this episode was truly- and I say this with deepest respect- retarded. But then again every episode from South Park season 2 to 3 I think were really the best most retarded in humour episodes ever made for a television series.
Now Spooky Fish isn't exactly the funniest of the show- although it is freaking hilarious- but it is retarded in the sense a gold fish could move the entire bowl by doing nothing, was killing people, and Cartman ulternate universe self was there with a beard smiling and was so prozac lovely and happy the other three kids were like- what the f-?
But I think the thing that really made this episode was the fact that when Stan and Kyle are talking to this guy the guy says something like "Oh yes, I dug up the old ancient indian graveyard, pissed on the corpses and then buried them again upside down,"
"Why the hell would you do that?!!" One of the boys exclaimed.
The guy replying something like "I don't know,"
2. Invader Zim- The most horrible X-mas ever
The most retarded episode ever if you ask me.
This episode was a great finish for the short lived show Invader Zim, with the creater Jhonen Vasquez actually bringing the episode forward a heap in production just so it could be produced.
And let me say... I'm glad it was. The show hosts three of the most retarded characters I've seen on a kids show, Zim- a psycho alien, Dib- a psycho stalker, and Gir- a retarded robot.
But what really made this episode retarded was the fact was that the creater wanted it to be the most retarded thing ever. For one, he'd throw anything in an episode- just because he could- just for stupidity- and that is why this was one of the great kid shows produced.
In this episode the things that made it stand out in retardedness were this.
1) Professor Membrame'schristmas present he got from Santa while he proclaims his revenge.
2) Zim just saying to Dib (disguised as a elf) for no reason "You know, I don't know why, but I feel like I can talk to you, you know?"
3) Gir just doing psychotic laughter and psycho pointless things through out the episode.
4) Zim throwing prozac happy children off him- especially a little baby with the cutest smile ever.
5) The people are just so retarded in every respect- everything a person does in this show doesn't make sense and is just for retardedness... truly, a deserving 2nd place.
1. Angry Beavers- Dagski and Norb.
Who would've thought that a parody from a kid show about an adult show could be done so well that it was actually so hilarious and even pointed out the retardedness of the show it's paroding... not me.
But yes- aside from it's 22 minute movie "The day the world got all screwed up"- this episode from the show was truly the most retarded and I think probably the most retarded thing I could watch as a kid- even though I watched it when I was 18.
Dagski and Norb are two cops that truly were retarded- Dag was completely out of character which made it even more funny and he kept such a stern face for the whole 13 minutes I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.
But if it wasn't for the sheer amount of retarded jokes and gags they had in this episode then it would've easily had slipped my mind.
Even some of the visual stuff was priceless-
1) Through out the whole episode they were smashing into boxes.
2) They kept saying "Are you Carping?" throughout it.
3) They were stuttering over their lines in some places and weren't even sure what they were doing.
4) Dag and Norb kept singing the beat of Starski and Hutch through out the whole episode.
5) The crime they were trying to solve was a mob leader smuggling empty boxes...?
6) and the oh so corny line delivered by the lead female Treeflower in a whiny over acting voice "I'm not bad, I'm just confused"
This episode was truly an epic in retardedness and possibly a great parody made by a basically forgotten show of our time.
So if you ever feel like putting on something that just doesn't make sense then check out these specific episodes from these great and often under estimated shows.
Till next time I write in this blog.
Now when I say retarded I don't just mean duuuuuhhh I mean just comedy that doesn't make sense or throwing in random stupid things just for laughs.
A few good examples of shows that do this would be
Invader Zim
Angry Beavers
Family Guy
South Park
Regular Show
This slapstick and often retarded humour is what keeps me interested in these shows but sometimes a show will pull out an episode that is so "retarded" that I honestly can not stop laughing at it for the eleven to twenty minutes and here is where I'd like to discuss these so called episodes giving in order, the episodes I found just plain retarded
6. Regular Show- Death Punchies
I know this show has only been on for little more then a month but they have truly prooved how retarded they are in every episode they have put on. The show seriously seems very unscripted which helps add to the retardedness.
This show is amusing and even sometimes cracks me up and the episode Death Punchies just made me laugh.
It was retarded- which I liked, but it was only because Rigby was going around punching people and making them fly off into the air
Plus the character Rigby goes a little beyond retardedness with his quirky sounds through out the episode and then suddenly changing his mind at the end to be player 2.
5. Mongrels- Nelson the stroke virgin
This show is retarded in the sense the characters say the foulest things and are all a bunch of idiot wankers- even the smart one Nelson.
But to me, every episode was funny, original and lets just say... retarded... and the No. 1 retarded episode in this was, Nelson the fox, being a "Virgin" ie. never been patted.
It was hard really to choose between this episode and the one where he marries his sister- cos that was quite retarded itself, but this one just wins for the cleverness of the pun.
Watching Nelson trying to get a man to stroke him- people can't understand the animals- and saying shocked "I thought he was up for it!" eventually going to a petting zoo where he gets stroked non stop- whether he allows it or not- the whole reference as he realises in terror he may get "Stroked banged" by a bunch of children really made this episode funny for me as it was such a stupid innuendo!
Ha ha
4. Family Guy- To love and die in Dixie
Let's just say, Family Guy has a lot of retardedness but one episode which I've seen which I think goes beyond retardedness just because it was based on Chris in the early seasons before it got too formulated and let's just say any old episode based on Chris in season 3 is retarded.
This episode just got in my list for two reasons.
1) A raccoon kept jumping out out no where and attacking Peter for the duration of the episode- and when I mean no where I mean any where- A gun- Louis's breasts- a beer bottle. It was just so retarded I had to laugh.
2) Chris- now everyone knows that Chris is a retard but some of the things in this episode which he did were so retarded I had to burst out laughing. Jumping in the water cos he saw his relection and thought he was drowning, reading his diary out loud and then freaking out when Brian hears him... he was truly the image of stupidity coming in draw with the idiot Billy from GTOBAM.
3. South Park- Spooky Fish
Apart from the movie, this episode was truly- and I say this with deepest respect- retarded. But then again every episode from South Park season 2 to 3 I think were really the best most retarded in humour episodes ever made for a television series.
Now Spooky Fish isn't exactly the funniest of the show- although it is freaking hilarious- but it is retarded in the sense a gold fish could move the entire bowl by doing nothing, was killing people, and Cartman ulternate universe self was there with a beard smiling and was so prozac lovely and happy the other three kids were like- what the f-?
But I think the thing that really made this episode was the fact that when Stan and Kyle are talking to this guy the guy says something like "Oh yes, I dug up the old ancient indian graveyard, pissed on the corpses and then buried them again upside down,"
"Why the hell would you do that?!!" One of the boys exclaimed.
The guy replying something like "I don't know,"
2. Invader Zim- The most horrible X-mas ever
The most retarded episode ever if you ask me.
This episode was a great finish for the short lived show Invader Zim, with the creater Jhonen Vasquez actually bringing the episode forward a heap in production just so it could be produced.
And let me say... I'm glad it was. The show hosts three of the most retarded characters I've seen on a kids show, Zim- a psycho alien, Dib- a psycho stalker, and Gir- a retarded robot.
But what really made this episode retarded was the fact was that the creater wanted it to be the most retarded thing ever. For one, he'd throw anything in an episode- just because he could- just for stupidity- and that is why this was one of the great kid shows produced.
In this episode the things that made it stand out in retardedness were this.
1) Professor Membrame'schristmas present he got from Santa while he proclaims his revenge.
2) Zim just saying to Dib (disguised as a elf) for no reason "You know, I don't know why, but I feel like I can talk to you, you know?"
3) Gir just doing psychotic laughter and psycho pointless things through out the episode.
4) Zim throwing prozac happy children off him- especially a little baby with the cutest smile ever.
5) The people are just so retarded in every respect- everything a person does in this show doesn't make sense and is just for retardedness... truly, a deserving 2nd place.
1. Angry Beavers- Dagski and Norb.
Who would've thought that a parody from a kid show about an adult show could be done so well that it was actually so hilarious and even pointed out the retardedness of the show it's paroding... not me.
But yes- aside from it's 22 minute movie "The day the world got all screwed up"- this episode from the show was truly the most retarded and I think probably the most retarded thing I could watch as a kid- even though I watched it when I was 18.
Dagski and Norb are two cops that truly were retarded- Dag was completely out of character which made it even more funny and he kept such a stern face for the whole 13 minutes I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.
But if it wasn't for the sheer amount of retarded jokes and gags they had in this episode then it would've easily had slipped my mind.
Even some of the visual stuff was priceless-
1) Through out the whole episode they were smashing into boxes.
2) They kept saying "Are you Carping?" throughout it.
3) They were stuttering over their lines in some places and weren't even sure what they were doing.
4) Dag and Norb kept singing the beat of Starski and Hutch through out the whole episode.
5) The crime they were trying to solve was a mob leader smuggling empty boxes...?
6) and the oh so corny line delivered by the lead female Treeflower in a whiny over acting voice "I'm not bad, I'm just confused"
This episode was truly an epic in retardedness and possibly a great parody made by a basically forgotten show of our time.
So if you ever feel like putting on something that just doesn't make sense then check out these specific episodes from these great and often under estimated shows.
Till next time I write in this blog.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Avatar the last airbender
Well after the show being a major success and a movie being produced costing over 100 million dollars I thought I might as well watch the first episode cos' I had never seen it before.
I always thought it was gay cos' it was only on the irish channel so I couldn't understand it but no.
The first episode was actually quite funny. Although one thing I've never liked in any show is when someone gets a crush on someone straight away which Aang did on the girl (forgotten her name)- talk about not being bothered about building up chemistry.
But other than that the show was good, and I may even watch the second episode.
I like how it's kinda like anime but it's not cos it's american and so, it kind works better for me.
So this show goes into a 6 out of 10 rating for first episode.
I always thought it was gay cos' it was only on the irish channel so I couldn't understand it but no.
The first episode was actually quite funny. Although one thing I've never liked in any show is when someone gets a crush on someone straight away which Aang did on the girl (forgotten her name)- talk about not being bothered about building up chemistry.
But other than that the show was good, and I may even watch the second episode.
I like how it's kinda like anime but it's not cos it's american and so, it kind works better for me.
So this show goes into a 6 out of 10 rating for first episode.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Why some fanfictioners are great
Some people say that what makes a story epic is the character development, the story and the struggle between good and bad.
Yes that is true. But I would like to point out is that a story written and drawn by an artist who goes by the name of Bleedman-"Grim Tales from Down below"

-who does all of this, but with characters he didn't create.
I personally don't mind this, but one thing that has kind of gotten on my nerve is the amount of reviewers that just say that he is bad at what he does, the characters are bland, the stories are stupid and the writing is terrible.
I don't believe this.
Because I only read stories that draw me in with their characters. Even though I already know these characters he goes into new depths with them, especially with the two protaganist. I find he's writing good and I can read these characters- with the benifit of looking at beautiful illustrations which go beyond more emotional information than most animated films.
I wouldn't say that he's story lines are the best... to me they usually just play in the background. But the two characters, Minnie and Junior- especially Minnie, really got my attention as he went to dark depths with them and bought in some things which young people don't often seem to want to know about- what's evil, what's good, and what if they are both...?
I honestly didn't see where this story was going but when Minnie's feelings were discovered I was so confused... I was annoyed... but it was he's story and he was just going into the mind of what really would happen to two children if they were brought up in the underworld.
But it was the pictures that really got to me.
They were beuatiful, maybe some of the best designs in characters I've ever seen, only because he made them so appealing to the eyes- the over exaggerated feet, the shiny hair and the imense colour- I had never read ANY comics before I read he's and now most comics I read have to be at this level, and even the comics I'm trying to work on have to be at this level.
Bleedman inspired me.
Whether it be fanfiction or not,
He is good at what he does.
Yes that is true. But I would like to point out is that a story written and drawn by an artist who goes by the name of Bleedman-"Grim Tales from Down below"
-who does all of this, but with characters he didn't create.
I personally don't mind this, but one thing that has kind of gotten on my nerve is the amount of reviewers that just say that he is bad at what he does, the characters are bland, the stories are stupid and the writing is terrible.
I don't believe this.
Because I only read stories that draw me in with their characters. Even though I already know these characters he goes into new depths with them, especially with the two protaganist. I find he's writing good and I can read these characters- with the benifit of looking at beautiful illustrations which go beyond more emotional information than most animated films.
I wouldn't say that he's story lines are the best... to me they usually just play in the background. But the two characters, Minnie and Junior- especially Minnie, really got my attention as he went to dark depths with them and bought in some things which young people don't often seem to want to know about- what's evil, what's good, and what if they are both...?
I honestly didn't see where this story was going but when Minnie's feelings were discovered I was so confused... I was annoyed... but it was he's story and he was just going into the mind of what really would happen to two children if they were brought up in the underworld.
But it was the pictures that really got to me.
They were beuatiful, maybe some of the best designs in characters I've ever seen, only because he made them so appealing to the eyes- the over exaggerated feet, the shiny hair and the imense colour- I had never read ANY comics before I read he's and now most comics I read have to be at this level, and even the comics I'm trying to work on have to be at this level.
Bleedman inspired me.
Whether it be fanfiction or not,
He is good at what he does.
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