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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A taste of an Apple (After Thoughts after 2 years)

I was just reading over an old story I wrote a couple of years ago called "A taste of An Apple" and had to say something that kind of surprised me.

I actually wanted Rainbow and AJ to be together always.

Now I know what your thinking, it's a romance, that's what people want. But let me explain.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash just had such a loving relationship in it in the second part and third. They were just so comfortable around each other. They made each other grow as characters.

In the first part they weren't the best suited for each other. They were passionate and crazy in love but at the same time reckless and destroyed a lot of lives (including their own to a degree) They were basically immature.

I think the whole love between the two really didn't start to blossom till the second part where they had to live with the consequences of the first.

Applejack was now an invalid and Rainbow Dash had to be a carer.

But it gets deeper than that. Rainbow Dash had grown an emotional dependency on Applejack and Applejack in return had had to grow a physical dependency on Rainbow Dash.

The independent goal setted Rainbow Dash basically had to make a decision which was never shown of giving up her dreams to take on Applejack's role in the family whereas Applejack no longer had a purpose and was being taken cared of by Dash even though it made her angry.

It's just the way the two saw each other as the story progressed.

Applejack said jokingly in the third part "You see me as a Goddess" which Rainbow Dash laughed off but was actually true.

Whereas Applejack was just so afraid of hurting Rainbow Dash so much because Rainbow had literally given up everything to be there for her and with her.

I think Rainbow became softer and weaker in the presence of Applejack because she just didn't want to hurt her yet Applejack had to become softer too as Rainbow fell more and more in love with her to the point of her whole reason to live (Applejack) went and made Dash wish her life was over every day.

It was just... such a cruel story. I... I don't know why I wrote it like that. It was beautiful but so... unmerciful. I wish when I had written it I had not killed Applejack.

The sad thing is is that it was only when Applejack and Rainbow came to an understanding in mid Part 2 did they really start to blossom as such an amazing couple. When Applejack actually knew how deep Rainbow's emotions went (after Rainbow had to tell her) Applejack had to give up her defining feature (Stubbornness) to be the pony Rainbow had fallen in love with.

I just... I can't fathom how much love Rainbow had for Appleajack. I wished Applejack could've just loved her with the same amount back. As I read it it always felt like Rainbow was lacking in love back from Applejack, that Rainbow had literally given Applejack her whole being and Applejack... could never give it back.

But Applejack couldn't. She had to be the strong one. If she loved Rainbow as much as Rainbow loved her I doubt the two would've ever left the bedroom (no joke). But also when Applejack finally did give her whole being back to Rainbow (when she knew she was dying and there was no point hiding it anymore) that just made it all the more worse for Rainbow as Rainbow fell even deeper in love with her to the point where it was like a complete bottomless pit. Applejack should've never given her all to Rainbow that last day of her life. She shouldn't of. That's what broke Rainbow. That's what destroyed her when Applejack show her that she was as deeply in love with her as Rainbow was to Applejack.

I just... I can't believe how much these two ended up being in love. And how scary it was when Applejack died. And how just... how it literally made Rainbow never able to love anyone again.

Each part they fell more and more in love It's just mad.

First there was normal love.
Than one's love getting more intense than the other.
Than both just baring their souls.

The two didn't start off as soul mates but they sure as hell became them.

And the sad thing about it all is that the two probably would've never become that close if Applejack hadn't nearly died and become an invalid.

Truly, truly a great great tradegy... but a sadness that lingers long after reading it that it makes me sad.

I actually wanted Rainbow to just die... just so she could be with Applejack again. They truly did become Romeo and Juliet... I just wish Applejack had had longer periods with Rainbow before she died.


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