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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Favourite Ships that will never happen

Here's just a list of my top five favourite ships that will never come to be... sigh but who I've always been rooting for since I was a kid.
Anyway, I can still enjoy their friendships.
(This is from ships that will never or will likely never happen)

Number 5
Piggley and Danann 
I'm sorry but if you were a kid watching this you too would root for these two! I just thought they were perfect for each other. With Danann having a foil to every one of Piggley's plans I just had to ship them. The two would bicker back and forth all the time like they were a couple and would always have a comeback to the other's antics. I just liked their chemistry. I was a kid, they actually acted like kids and if their were of the same species they probably would've had crushes on each other. Often the ones who bicker the most over everything are the ones that just don't want to let down their guard and see they actually like the other. But yeah... they will never be so just thought I would start with them.

Number 4
Irma and Cornelia
Okay, when I was eleven to thirteen I actually watched this show and really liked these two together. I liked how Irma always had a sly comeback to Cornelia's sarcasm. I liked how they could get along and be completely different yet compliment each other so well. I really wanted them together. They just, they would've been awesome as a couple. Those two were the sexiest characters in the group and put together they would just bring a whole new dynamic. So yeah... again never gonna happen.

Number 3
Skipper and Kowalski

I only ship the movie version of Kowalski with Skipper but boy do I ship them hard. This is my newest pair I ship that I know will never happen. But damnit, Kowalski just has so much heart and respect for Skipper. I just... I like the leader and second in command thing going on here. Skipper leaves Kowalski to come up with all the plans and Kowalski never disappoints. I just want Skipper to show him some more love damnit! They are just so awesome together, hopefully in the movie they'll get some fuzzy moments <3

Number 2
Applejack and Rainbow Dash
Just buck and get it over with! These two fight back and forth like cats and dogs but it's so obvious they want each other (especially in the first two seasons when they had the most time together) They get along really well too when they're not fighting. If only it wasn't a little girls' show. The thing about this is that this relationship will never really be explored. That's one thing bad about Friendship is Magic. The friendships haven't been explored properly since season 1 and all we get now are just snippets. But yeah... THESE TWO. They just, they just... are awesome darn tootin! If one of them was a guy things would've been resolved in bed long ago but because their both girls I don't think it will ever really be shown other than frustrated sexual tension. Ah well.

Number 1
Brian and Stewie
OMG THEY LIKE ARE LIKE, GOD!! Why the hell do they have to be a baby and a DOG? But these two are just amazing together. Literally, the show has made it clear the two need each other in one another's life but they just... it frustrates me. There has been so many sexual jokes about these two, with Stewie's obsession with Brian to Brian actually being attracted to Stewie (unknowningly) when he dressed up as Karina Steel. God! But with this one I actually have some hope. Family Guy just might go there. Heck that Vault episode showed Brian licking Stewie's ass and him enjoying it too, Stewie not able to live with out Brian so goes back in time to save his life. These two might actually end up... some what... possibly, 1 out of a 100 chance of happening. So yeah... who knows. It may be just an extreme bromance but maybe one day it could actually turn into a real... romance?

So that's my top 5 ships that will never happen. Hope you liked.

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