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Just an 24 year old going on 25 that wants to give some of her views

Friday, September 21, 2012


What can I say about this film?
Simply Wow.
I have known about this film for over a year but when finally seeing it, it blew all my preconceived notions and was just, just, miraculous.

The themes this movie dealt with were so much more than the average movie.
How fear caused scared people to kill an innocent child.
I mean... once I saw that bit in the movie... once you realize that it is about so much more than just bullying, it's about a little girl being killed because she was different.
And that's the main goal of this movie.

To shock you, and to make you realize this fact to its greatest extent.
The moments after where Norman whispers in near tears,
"How could you...? She was just like me."
I mean... never have I seen that in a kids movie, becoming reality for a split second.
The kids' movies this year have just been magnificent. This year was truly the year for movies yet this movie for me personally breaks the mode.
You really get Norman. He is not some over exaggerated character. He is just a boy, a lonely boy and this movie has a slight melancholy to it, but the hope is what it really shows.
That in the end, we are all just people. People who do stupid things when we are scared, but there is always good people, and deep down... we are all one of them.

There is no villains in this this movie... there is only people.
And how we all have bad... but we also all have good. 

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