But I'm gonna lay out my top 5 and why these 5 are so great.
Number 5
Father Ted and Father Dougal
The whole brilliance of the show was how those two would interact and I think they were what made the show work so brilliantly. Plus the last episode really shows they bond because these two basically do everything together and even though Ted finds Dougal a nuisance sometimes, you gotta love how they still manage to remain best buds even in the worse case scenarios.
Number 4
Negil and Tulio
These two are hilarious too. With Tulio's street smarts and Negil's innocence and flirtatious nature you instantly feel the bond between these two buds from the first second the film runs. They really are quite hilarious. Even when they get into a fight it is a funny one and how these two guys can be effeminate yet charming at the same time is a hard thing to pull off. So cheers to them.
Number 3
Norbert and Daggett
Now these two are probably the most random of the bunch. These two beaver brothers are both at fault with huge flaws and sometimes it's hard to know who you like more. With Norbs sophistication and Daggetts sweet but stupid and sometimes insane antics these two both got equal spot light in every area. It was never who was more cool or who was more stupid to me because I always so them as a package deal. You can't have Norb without Dag and vice verse. They just made a whole with both having someone unique qualities and quirks it would always have to be the Angry Beavers, never Beaver.
Number 2
Dumb and Dumber dudes
Now these two is what I would like to call retarded. They amplify the very essence of comedy and duo and really just shows you the worse and best of what two besties who are completely hugely ignorant can be like. This movie really is ridiculous but this was one of the first times we see completely chaos that is created by two morons with the best intentions, most of the time. They may be best buds but these two are also what happens when two brain damaged psychotic dudes get together. Complete and utter chaos.
Number 1
Ben and Cameron
Hey, I had to put my own fav original duo on the list. Yes Ben and Cameron have been pretty much the cool unswayed dudes of the comic Adolescence but they roles are very different. With the two it's pretty much, Cameron insult, Ben don't get. I've added another character into the mix to mix things up but these two were my first comedy duo I created myself so of course they'd be a favourite.
And there you have it, my top 5 comedy duos. Most are old news but still classics and some are barely known.
So as always,
Watch what other's won't.
See ya!